Style icon, model, wife of a billionaire, and mother of two- Elena Perminova has become a prominent face in every front row show at fashion week. With an unforgettable face, legs that go on for miles and a unique style- it's not so hard to understand why.
What I adore about Perminova, is that she fits the word "icon" like a glove: she is fearless when it comes to fashion. Nothing is off limits. Every outfit is unexpected. To me, this is what fashion is all about- experimenting with different fabrics, prints, colors and brands. It's about failing and regretting, and then trying again. And again. And again. Until you find your little niche. This long-legged beauty is what all fashionistas aspire to be: confident enough to wear what you want, and not what others expect you to.

Her outfits vary from Victorian-style dresses dresses, to and all-black "edgy-chic" attire. She portrays different characters through fashion. Perminova reminds us all that fashion and style is not about being like everyone else or fitting in-
it's about standing out, being an individual, and most importantly expressing yourself.
The is one thing you can be absolutely sure of- if you are ever in the search for inspiration, no matter what your personal style is, you can always count on Elena Perminova. Hope you all enjoyed the post!
What do you think about Elena Perminova's style?
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